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The Pinky Ponk

The Pinky Ponk is a kind of airship which glides gracefully in the air, providing wonderful aerial views of the garden for all those on board.

More Characters

A blue character with a red patch of hair, holding a red blanket and standing in a green park with a cobble stone path in the background.


A brown, female character in a colourful dress, standing in a park with a yellow bed behind her. She is smiling and has her arms spread open.

Upsy Daisy

A beige character, with an oval shaped head, standing in front of a cave entrance.

Makka Pakka

Three characters, in colourful, polka dot costumes, standing beside each other in a green park.

The Tombliboos

a family of ten little characters wearing red and blue coat and red hats

The Pontipines

Miniature characters, wearing the same blue uniforms, sitting on large rocks in front of a tall tree.

The Wottingers

giant colourful characters  with big eyes and smiles looking down on the rest of the characters in the forest

The Haahoos

a train with a red and orange engine pulling a green and yellow car, a little house car, a big house car and a round caboose.

The Ninky Nonk

Green, pink, blue and multicoloured birds sitting on tree branches surrounded by greenery.

The Tittifers

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